This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve.
Kathleen Amelia, Stage Name: Sally Applewhite, Characters: Mary Hatch Bailey and Young Mary
Richard Blanchard, Stage Name: Harry “Jazzbo” Heywood, Characters: Harry and Young Harry, Bert, Clarence Oddbody, Sam Wainwright, Martini, Dr. Campbell, Charlie, Horace the Teller, Mr. Welch, Tommy, Sheriff, and Binky
Mike Gilbert, Stage Name: Freddie Filmore, Characters: Announcer, Joseph, Mr. Gower, Potter, Billy, Peter Bailey, Ernie, Old Man Collins, Ed, Pete, Nick, Bridge Keeper, Cop, and Man
Kyle Marie, Stage Name: Marcie Mae, Characters: Violet & Young Violet, Ruth, Zuzu, and Janie
Lora Resignato, Stage Name: Lana Sherwood, Characters: Rose Bailey, Mrs. Hatch, Woman, Mrs. Thompson, Sadie Vance, and Matilda
Jim Walsh, Stage Name: Jake Laurents, Characters: George Bailey and Young George
Jack Rabito
Stage Manager
Donna Hadley
Foley/Sound effects
Bob La Salle
Ticket Pricing For Award Winning Entertainment
Reserved seat tickets are $23. Student tickets are available at $14 each.
Discount available for groups of 20 or more, call 941-474-9610.
Tickets are nonrefundable. You may exchange your tickets for another performance of the same production for a $2.00 exchange fee per ticket. Exchanges must be made 48 hours prior to the performance time on the tickets.