Current Volunteers

If you are currently a volunteer and would like to sign up for show openings to be a House Manager, please click the link to volunteer on SignUpGenius. 

SignUpGenius Link

New Volunteers

To The Volunteer Sign Up Form

It takes a lot of people to support a good community theatre. Nearly every task at LBP is performed by a volunteer. The most visible volunteers are the actors on stage, but there is an entire cast working backstage before and during every production. These volunteers help manage activities in areas such as the box office, house managing, and special events. 

There is always a need for hard-working, dedicated individuals to serve on the Board of Trustees. Every non-profit organization needs those who possess skills in management, finance, development, strategic planning, and public relations. The opportunities for involvement in LBP are almost endless. If you are interested, we’ll find a special role here just for you. Complete the application or call the box office at 941.475.6756 for information.

Volunteer Positions

ACTING: Ever been in a school production or something put on by your church or civic organization? Ever thought that you would like to try your hand on stage? Here’s an opportunity. All of our auditions are open to anyone who wants to try. The audition dates are published on our website under actors.

SET CONSTRUCTION: If you can wield a hammer or handle power tools, then we can use your help with set construction. Due to the limitations of the Playhouse (there is limited wing space to store set changes), almost all of our productions use a single unit set – which could be a living room or some other interior space or even an outdoor scene – which is built on stage usually involving two days between shows. Most of the work takes place during the day when the actors aren’t rehearsing onstage and the amount of time involved is flexible.

SET DÉCOR & PAINTING: All sets need basic painting (easy) and those with artistic ability can paint the details (harder). We love our sets to look real, so interior or exterior ‘rooms’ would include furniture, accessories, wall décor, etc. Sort of like interior design only with an eye toward the audience and the demands of the play. Because our storage space is so limited, this job can call for some good “people skills” as we frequently need to beg or borrow items.

WARDROBE: Our Costume Manager will train and coordinate our wardrobe volunteers.  This will require sorting and sizing costumes in or wardrobe collection, choosing costumes as to size and color needed from our wardrobe inventory for each production.  Some minor alterations and sewing for those of you so inclined as well as getting measurements and sizes of actors.  For the shoppers out there, shopping in resale shops for particular garments or costume items. Cleaning and organizing dressing rooms with costumes prior to each production.

PROPS: Props are the items used onstage during a play. Some have to be made so some creativity helps, but sometimes a props person can get on the telephone and find a source to loan an unusual item or go shopping at thrift stores to find just the right thing. LBP has a prop room where many items are warehoused and can be dusted off or refurbished.

TECH Sound board/light board operators run the board during the show. We can train you to do this and you can sign up for as many performances as you can fit into your schedule.

STAGE MANAGER: This is a paid position and is the job for people who really love theater and understand it takes commitment to work on a show. It’s also a good way to learn more about directing because you see up close how the director creates a show. The stage manager (SM) attends all rehearsals and makes notations in a prompt book about all the blocking moves the actors are given. The SM is “on book,” providing lines to the actors when they put down their scripts and begin to memorize their parts and the SM is in charge during the run of the show. He or she also makes sure that all communications are shared among the cast, set crew, costumes, director, publicity and everyone else. Being well organized is a must and a sense of humor helps a lot!

BACKSTAGE CREW: Works with the stage manager during a play to clear a set, put out or pick up props, move furniture, help dress the actors, and generally assist in the smooth running of the production.  The work takes place at the later rehearsals (tech week) and for the performances.  Depending on the number of hands available, it may only require 1 or 2 performances per week.

HOUSE MANAGERS: House managers work during performances to make sure things go smoothly for the audience. Among other duties, they usher in audience members; assist with the seating of handicapped patrons, supervise intermission refreshments, etc. Training is provided and, as with other volunteer areas, you can work as few or as many performances as your schedule allows. You can even watch the show while volunteering your time!!

BOX OFFICE: Volunteers work in our box office during regular daily box office hours (weekdays 10-2 p.m.) and during performances (evenings 7-7:30 pm and Sundays 1:30-2 pm). They sell tickets and give out information, handling customers over the phone and in person. Training is provided and the time commitment can be as much or as little as you can manage.

PHOTO BOARDS: Someone with an artistic flair who can take the pictures of each production and put together a poster to sit in our lobby and then decorate our walls for years to come.

CAST PARTIES:  After the last performance of each production, we treat the cast and crew to a nice party to reward them for their effort.  We are always looking for volunteers to help plan, prepare and execute these events.

VOLUNTEER PARTY:  Every year, we give a big, catered dinner party for all of our volunteers!  We need people to help plan, prepare, and execute this event.

DEVELOPMENT: We are always looking for people with the expertise to help us with FUNDRAISING, GRANT WRITING and finding SPONSORS. If you have experience in one or more of those areas, why not give us a hand.