Board Member Requirements
LBP Board Member Requirements – Roles and Responsibilities
1.* Attend all quarterly board meetings and special meetings.
2.* Participate on at least one board committee or task force.
3.* Participate in the review of the LBP’s mission, strategic plan, and annual performance, and help develop next year’s plans.
4.* Make a personal gift.
5.* Help solicit other contributions and assist with fundraising events.
6. Attend several of our volunteer/donor appreciation events.
7. Make at least one curtain speech per production.
8. Be available to speak at a community organization about LBP.
( *1-5 are required; 6-8 are optional but recommended)
As a member of this board, I commit to:
- Hold Lemon Bay Playhouse to a high standard of performance and actively participate in making this a world class organization.
- Work hard to understand my roles and responsibilities and to be sufficiently knowledgeable about Lemon Bay Playhouse and its operation to make informed decisions.
- Read the materials sent to the board and come prepared to board and committee meetings.
- Arrive at meetings on time and stay for the full agenda unless I have otherwise notified the board or committee chair.
- Ask for clarification on any matters or material that I do not understand before making a decision.
- Actively participate in identifying and exploring a variety of opinions and options before voting on an important board matter.
- Listen carefully to other board members and staff with an open mind and an objective perspective and try never to dominate the discussion.
- Put aside my personal agendas and pledge to actively work only toward those decisions and solutions that are in Lemon Bay Playhouse’s best interests.
- Honor the principle of no surprises, and expect that my fellow board members will do likewise
I agree to be informed and to observe all board policies and especially:
- Avoidance of conflict of interest.
- Equal opportunity and avoidance of discrimination.