Cast: (Standing L-R) Henry Barre, Gina Scarda (Assistant Director), Pam Hayes (Director), Kathleen Gallagher, Gary Cook, Donna Hadley (Stage Manager). (Seated L-R) L’Tanya VanHamersveld, Trish Maxwell, Jim Litwin, Judy Tilley
A happy housewife named Marsha, hopelessly addicted to reading murder mysteries overhears her loving husband discussing her upcoming birthday surprise with an interior decorator. To her ears, though, it sounds like they are planning to murder her! With the assistance of her next-door neighbor, she tries to turn the tables on them with a poisoned potion. When her own mother shows up for her birthday a day early, Marsha thinks she is in on the diabolical scheme. When her maid’s date, a policeman, shows up to take the maid out, Marsha thinks he is on to her poisoning attempt. Well, finally, just when you would think all this would be cleared up, Marsha’s intended victims discover what she has supposed, and decide to teach her a lesson by pretending to be murderers. This is a terrific show for family audiences who like their comedy broad, fast, and nonstop.