An ornery elf named Bob gets banished from the North Pole to learn a lesson about cooperation. Santa sends him to a small town to help out with their Christmas Pageant. Here, Bob is faced with a group of bumbling amateur actors who are doing their best to put on the best darn Christmas show their town has ever seen.
The selected actors chosen for “Bob’s Your Elf” pose for a cast photo. Seated, from left to right, are the choir members composed of our young thespians Savannah Grannan, Kaylee Cornwell, Scarlett Richards, Krysta Skudlarek and Dylan Bilharodt. Standing, from left to right, Marilyn Barton (Fiona Putzle), Wendi Scianna (Amber Faircastle), Paul Mullen (Santa Clause and Howard Widebottom), Jim Griesmeyer (Bob), Jeffery Cima (Gord Ford), and Jenifer Lewis (Leslie Banter).
Hear and see what people are saying about “Bob’s Your Elf” Read the review and watch the interview
Englewood Sun review on Wednesday, November 30, 2016: Bob’s Your Elf’ brings Christmas laughs early
Facebook Video interview with the director Tim Fitzgerald discussing “Bob’s Your Elf”. While there Like Us on Facebook